Age of Apes

Dernière version 0.21.9

30 déc. 2020
4.5 /
Nouveau dans com.tap4fun.ape.gplay 0.21.9
- New Event: Jingle Bells Ring! We prepared a variety of events to celebrate the Christmas holiday. Come and join the fun!
- New Fighters: Jack Kristopher aka "Cap'n Electro," a fearless and legendary Hitter; Sean Tyler aka "Rage Hunter," a genius Shooter with a robot dog. Get them in the Wheel of Fortune event!
- Optimizations: Adjusted troop losses in Clan Convoys - Convoys will no longer produce seriously wounded troops, reducing healing cost; certain rewards have also been adjusted.
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Nom du package com.tap4fun.ape.gplay
Plateforme Android (smartphone)
Exigences Android 4.4+
pour ARM8 ARM7 appareils
Version du fichier 0.21.9
Code de version 4343
Taille 367.64 MB (385,503,355 bytes)
Taille du cache 367.64 MB (385,503,355 bytes)
Licence gratuit
Hash md5
Type de fichier Données OBB / cache
signature du fichier (SHA1):
Nom du fichier com.tap4fun.ape.gplay-0.21.9-4343.obb
  1. com.tap4fun.ape.gplay-0.21.9.apk (93.67 MB)
Téléchargé 30 déc. 2020
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