OLPLAY - Olympique Lyonnais

Dernière version 3.7.5

11 nov. 2024
3.4 /
Nouveau dans OL 3.7.5
With this new version, you can now listen to the OLPLAY TV channel live, even when your phone is locked. Particularly handy for listening to OLNS every evening on the move, post-match as you leave the stadium, or the frenzied commentary of our journalists on match nights! We've also taken the opportunity to correct some minor bugs in the Match tab and the news display on the app.
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Nom du package com.olympiquelyonnais.android
Plateforme Android (smartphone)
Exigences Android 8.0+
pour arm64-v8a appareils
Version du fichier 3.7.5
Code de version 2024072501
Taille 40.31 MB(42,267,171 bytes)
Licence gratuit
Hash md5
Type de fichier APKS / apk split/ Android App Bundle
signature du fichier (SHA1):
Nom du fichier com.olympiquelyonnais.android.zip
  1. OL-3.7.5.apk
  2. config.xxhdpi
  3. config.arm64_v8a
Téléchargé 11 nov. 2024
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