Baby Games: Piano & Baby Phone

Dernière version 1.5.7

21 déc. 2023
4.6 /
Nouveau dans Baby Games 1.5.7
Great news for all parents & kids! Baby Games just got upgraded with 50+ Languages. With so many languages to choose from, They can Play & Explore the game in the native language. From the musical room to animal sounds, this game has everything your kid can enjoy. Play fun mini-games and sing rhymes to develop their motor skills. Enjoy the world of learning with this new update.
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Nom du package
Plateforme Android (smartphone)
Exigences Android 4.4+
pour ARM7 appareils
Version du fichier 1.5.7
Code de version 190
Taille 53.3 MB (55,892,782 bytes)
Licence gratuit
Hash md5
Type de fichier APK fichier
signature du fichier (SHA1):
Nom du fichier Baby_Games-1.5.7.apk
Téléchargé 21 déc. 2023

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