Baby Games: Piano & Baby Phone

Dernière version 1.6.1

12 mars 2024
4.6 /
Nouveau dans Baby Games 1.6.1
Welcome parents and kids to the Frozzy Land! Introducing Baby Phone's new Frosty Find mode! Sail into a frosty frozen land as your little explorer navigates a boat, honing fine motor skills by dragging and collecting fun objects on the screen. With its engaging gameplay, Frosty Find mode is sure to keep your child entertained while also helping them develop their hand eye coordination and problem solving skills. Download Baby Phone now and let the frosty fun begin!
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Nom du package
Plateforme Android (smartphone)
Exigences Android 4.4+
pour ARM8 appareils
Version du fichier 1.6.1
Code de version 199
Taille 54.81 MB (57,476,023 bytes)
Licence gratuit
Hash md5
Type de fichier APK fichier
signature du fichier (SHA1):
Nom du fichier Baby_Games-1.6.1.apk
Téléchargé 12 mars 2024

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